n theory student loan forgiveness sounds fairly simple. However during the last 10 years since it was created things have not gone as smoothly as they could have. Many people who enroll in forgiveness...
Reduce Student Loan Debt. Reducing student loan debt can seem intimidating to borrowers and even impossible to borrowers who are in default. However there are tons of ways to chip away at student...
Like most borrowers who attempt to enter into student loan forgiveness programs with servicers, Mary Carroll assumed that the government contracted collection agency in charge of her student loan...
California has joined several other states in filing suit against major student loan forgiveness servicer Navient, regarding their alleged abusive collection practices. A common misconception is that...
As the first batch of public service student loan forgiveness borrowers became eligible for forgiveness on October 1, 2017, many discovered the unfortunate reality that their loans and their repayment...
The IRS has recently published a policy letter, which allows employers to match student loan debt payments (made by the employer on the employee’s behalf). There’s certain minimum and maximum...
Recently there has been an increase in the number of companies offering student loan debt forgiveness benefits. A lot of people have some level of student loan debt left over from college. Many...